Neeraj Sharma
1 min readMay 14, 2019


Sitting on the bench of the public park, Raj was wondering:

What have I become?

This wasn’t the person I used to be.

This wasn’t the life I had wished for me.

I am feeling less like a human but more like a pussy.

Every one is fucking me over and over.

Where is that old dreamy, cheerful, and careless Raj?

Where is that person who used to dance over romantic and country songs?

Where is that writer who used to pour his heart out on phone?

Just because now Vani has left me, have I lost all those things as well.

Does a third person has a control over my life?


This life is mine. I own it. No one can steal the right to live it the way I want.

And that’s what I am gonna do.

I am gonna take back control of it.



Neeraj Sharma

I love writing about things I observe around me, and I observe a lot.